Dignity Gold Mining Claims Now Wholly Owned; Enhances Financial Reserves With Interest In Real Property

Dignity Gold Takes Crucial Next Steps to Demonstrate Control and Financial Support For its DIGau Precious Metal and Mineral Security

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, April 21, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Dignity Gold (Dignity), the United States-based digital security company that is taking a regulation-forward approach to using verified gold reserves to back its DIGau security token (currently trading on CryptoSX and BitGlobal), today announced that the company now holds specific locatable minerals including above ground placer (tailings) and sub-surface hard-rock mining deposits that contain gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and several other high-value minerals at its Panquitch mining claims “one” and “two.” Dignity also maintains secured interest in the remaining Panquitch mining claims “three” and “four.” Combined, Dignity Gold possesses 80 acres of secured metals and minerals through these Panguitch claims.

“Confirming Dignity Gold’s ownership of real property provides the control and financial support that is vital for the DIGau security token,” said Ira Glasser, Business Development Manager, Dignity Gold. “These Dignity Gold-owned locatable minerals and mining deposits that contain gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and several other high-value minerals at the Panquitch mining claims ‘one’ and ‘two,’ should serve to inspire confidence in any institutional investor performing due diligence DIGau.”

“Our approach is unique in mining and has the potential to significantly revolutionize financing for the United States mining industry, which has increasingly been limited around the exploration and production of valuable minerals and precious metals, at a time when these commodities are experiencing a strong increase in their value,” said President and CEO of Dignity Gold, Steve Braverman.

According to the current NI 43-101 engineering reports for the Dignity Gold’s owned Panquitch minerals and mining claims, the above-ground tailings and below-ground minable resources of gold, silver, platinum, and rare earth elements have a combined valuation of over $214 billion.

Braverman added, “Owning of real property in combination with a blanket pledge of security affords strong value coverage for the DIGau verified gold reserves-backed asset token that provides both a hedge against risk and potential upside.”

“Our goal for Dignity Gold’s mines is to lead in the eco-friendly exploration, recovery, and production of metals and minerals; be a catalyst for modernizing the industry,” said Kent M. Swig, Chairman of Dignity Corp. “The way in which we access valuable metals and minerals matters to investors in Dignity Gold.”

Dignity Gold is concurrently engaged in issuing DIGau tokens in private placements to certain investors under exemptions from the registration requirements of the Securities Act provided by Rule 506(c) of Regulation D and Regulation S of the Securities Act. These tokens are “restricted securities” as defined in Rule 144 of the Securities Act.

About Dignity Gold, LLC

Founded in 2019 by Stephen Braverman and Kent M. Swig, Dignity Gold is the parent company of Dignity Corp. which is engaged in issuing the Dignity token using the ticker DIGau backed by gold deposits located in the United States.

Cautionary Statement

No securities regulatory authority, digital assets securities exchange, or stock exchange has approved or disapproved of the information contained in this news release or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This material contains ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. We undertake no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the posting of this material and in no way guarantee the accuracy of this information at any time in the future.

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Jonathan Zaback

Impact Partners

[email protected]

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