Dignity Corp. DIGau Token Sets Date To List On CryptoSX Digital Asset Exchange

United States-Based Gold Reserves-Backed Security Token To Take Momentous Step Forward As Listing Set To Occur On CryptoSX Next Week

NEW YORK, Jan. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Dignity Corp. (“Dignity Corp”), an established, US-based digital security that is crafting a revolutionary approach by backing a security token with gold reserves, announces that their native DIGau token will be listed on www.cryptosx.io on Tuesday, January 11th. CryptoSX is a Digital Assets Exchange that is active across Asia-Pacific and offers a multi-faceted platform for Security Token Offerings (STOs) backed by Fiat/Crypto conversion capabilities.

Dignity Corp. DIGau Token Sets Date To List On CryptoSX Digital Asset Exchange
Dignity Corp. DIGau Token Sets Date To List On CryptoSX Digital Asset Exchange

Dignity Corp. is a blockchain development company that relies on a regulation-forward approach and security tokens to unlock new ways of investing in the United States precious metals, mining, and minerals sector. In mid-November, DIGau was approved by CryptoSX to begin trading on their platform.

“We are excited to list the DIGau token on CryptoSX and expand access to the gold reserves-backed security that already has a strong base of investor interest,” said Kent M. Swig, Chairman of Dignity Corp. “A significant next step in our journey is about to begin, with trading of the DIGau token set to be available to certain interested investors in both Europe and Asia. These are very exciting and proud times, both personally and professionally, to begin showing the world the value of the Dignity business model.”

DIGau offers a path for investors to benefit from opportunities in the United States precious metals mining and minerals sector. DIGau’s value is anticipated to derive from the way it combines gold reserves backing, the actual mining of the metals, and the creation of a complementary investment fund in which the token holders may share in the profits of the fund through the payment of dividends, all registered and regulated in the United States.

Dignity Corp. is concurrently engaged in issuing DIGau tokens in private placements to certain investors under exemptions from the registration requirements of the Securities Act provided by Rule 506(c) of Regulation D and Regulation S of the Securities Act. These tokens are “restricted securities” as defined in Rule 144 of the Securities Act.   Due to various factors, including the restrictions imposed by securities rules, the tokens issued in Regulation S private placements will not be eligible to trade on CryptoSX unless and until certain restrictions are lifted and tokens issued in Regulation D private placements will not be eligible to trade on CryptoSX.

Philip Tam, Founder and CEO of CryptoSX said, “Our mission has always been about redefining the traditional investor mindset, particularly towards security-backed tokenized opportunities. That’s fundamentally why my partners and I created CryptoSX – to essentially showcase to the global investor arena, a potential that is fairly unsaturated, waiting to be unlocked via the STO investment space. Dignity brings an immense amount of passion and drive to do things differently within their own niche. To me, it is obvious that they are going to go on with even greater successes, and it is CryptoSX’s promise to be there for them as an effective platform, and more importantly a trusted partner every step of the way.”

About Dignity Gold, LLC

Founded in 2019 by Stephen Braverman and Kent M. Swig, Dignity Gold is the parent company of Dignity Corp. which is engaged in issuing the Dignity token using the ticker DIGau backed by gold deposits located in the United States.

About Cryptosx

With the empowerment of world-leading technologies, CryptoSX has built a cutting-edge platform for Security Token Offerings (STOs) backed by Fiat/Crypto conversion capabilities. CryptoSX is compliant with all of the applicable financial and virtual exchange policies and regulations of the Philippine Government under CEZA (Cagayan Economic Zone Authority) ‘Rules on Digital Asset and Token Offerings’ Supplement to CEZA Financial Technology Solutions and Offshore Virtual Currency Business Rules and Regulations of 2018 (‘CEZAFTSOVCBRR of 2018’). CryptoSX was awarded a Full Principal License by CEZA in 2018.

Cautionary Statement

No securities regulatory authority, digital assets securities exchange or stock exchange has approved or disapproved of the information contained in this news release or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This material contains ‘forward looking statements’ within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. We undertake no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the posting of this material and in no way guarantees the accuracy of this information at any time in the future.

Media Contact:
Jonathan Zaback
Impact Partners
[email protected]

SOURCE Dignity Gold, LLC

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