MS Token Updates on NFT Business

NEW YORK / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2022 / Millennium Fine Art, Inc. (MFAI), On February 28, 2022; MS Token ( $MSTO) today updated its token owners about developments in its rapidly growing NFT business.

Millennium Sapphire Studios is working on several series of premium NFTs both independently and in collaboration with 3rd party artists and designers. These various NFT projects seek to leverage the aesthetic and historical themes of the carvings on the millennium sapphire itself and gamification processes incentivized through the $MSTO Token. Specifically, our studio is developing the following NFT concepts:

  • A large series of individually unique 3D NFT playing cards featuring the historical figures and events portrayed on the Millennium Sapphire. These playing card NFTs will be incorporated into a series of card games that will allow holders of specific combinations of playing card NFTs to win awards consisting of additional NFTs and significant quantities of $MSTO Tokens. These card games will increase in complexity over time as the potential winnings and the number of available minted NFTs increase.
  • A series of NFTs based on unique combinations of iconic attributes of the historical figures in combinations of varying rarity.
  • A series of NFTs consisting of high-end, 3D portrayals of historic architecture.
  • A series of NFTs based on collaborations with up-and-coming 3rd party NFT artists from around the world.

Additionally, our studio is actively exploring producing further NFT series in collaboration with the estates of iconic 20th century painters and sculptors as well as with up-and-coming contemporary musical artists. Finally, as the portfolio of physical paintings whose fractionalized ownership is securitized by the MS Token grows, we will be producing additional series of NFTs based on our new acquisitions in the portfolio.

MS Token is trading on the digital exchange. Please sign up at:

Only non-USA citizens can trade $MSTO on We will list $MSTO on another exchange in future where USA citizens can trade.

Please see our recent art investment medium article:


XT.COM Exchange was established in 2018 and registered in Seychelles. Its operating headquarters is located in Singapore. It has operation centers in Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul and other countries and regions, and its business covers the world.

The platform owns the global top-level domain, and currently has more than 3 million registered users, more than 300,000 monthly active users, and more than 30 million users in the ecosystem. XT.COM is a comprehensive trading platform that supports 100+ high-quality currencies and 300 trading pairs. It has a rich variety of transactions such as currency transactions, leveraged transactions, OTC transactions, contract transactions, and credit card purchases. Provide users with the safest, most efficient, and professional digital asset investment services.

About Millennium Fine Art Inc., and MS Token LLC

With a treasure trove of exclusive content to draw upon, MS Token, the owner of the Millennium Sapphire,, has assembled a team of industry leaders to create a powerful NFT production studio, leveraging the content carved on the sapphire. Carved on the Millennium Sapphire are 134 scenes, representing the high points in human civilization over the past 5,000 years. These carvings form the inspiration of MS Token’s NFT productions.

The Millennium Sapphire is widely considered iconic in the world of art and gems. It was designated as, “The World’s Largest Carved Sapphire” by Guinness World Records in 2001, and is one of the most documented gemstones in modern times. Since its discovery in Madagascar in 1995, this remarkable blue gem has appeared on CNN, BBC, NBC, FOX and numerous other television networks around the world. It has been written about in virtually every major newspaper and has been the subject of articles published in dozens of magazines, including Forbes, WSJ and others. The MS was showcased at an Academy Awards event in 2002 and in Seattle in 2004 as part of the festivities surrounding the launch of Princess Cruise Line’s newest ship, The Sapphire Princess.

MS Token pursues a strategy of partnering with leading digital artists and studios to develop unique NFTs. This strategy allows the company to have an ongoing flow of fresh content drawing inspiration from the original carvings on the sapphire. From carvings of some of history’s most infamous people to landmarks, such as the Pyramids and the historic Sputnik launch, the Millennium Sapphire will be developed into NFTs over time. The content produced will form the basis of the collaborations with world-famous digital artists and their interpretations via NFT animations to bring these pieces to life.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, particularly as related to, among other things, the business plans of the company, statements relating to goals, plans and projections regarding the company’s financial position and business strategy. The words or phrases “plans,” “would be,” “will allow,” “intends to,” “may result,” “are expected to,” “will continue,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “estimate,” “project,” “indicate,” “could,” “potentially,” “should,” “believe,” “think,” “considers” or similar expressions are intended to identify “forward-looking statements.” These forward-looking statements fall within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934 and are subject to the safe harbor created by these sections. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, involve known and unknown risks, a reliance on third parties for information, transactions or orders that may be cancelled, and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in our industry, to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties related to the fluctuation of local, regional, and global economic conditions, the performance of management and our employees, our ability to obtain financing, competition, general economic conditions and other factors that are detailed in our periodic reports and on documents we file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date, and the company specifically disclaims any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statement.

Contact Dennis Burns, Investor Relations

Tel (567) 237-4132
[email protected]

SOURCE: Millennium Fine Art Inc.

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