


2022年2月3日,由联合国网合集团举办的:2022年北京冬奥会联播暨联合国和平音乐会颁奖盛典活动。特别感谢:联合国相关部门、乌干达常驻联合国代表团副大使Philip Ochen Odida 发来冬奥会和平祝贺视频,西非国家、海南省投资商会、中东欧国家十六加一、中国阿拉伯国家贸易促进会、2U有限公司、纽约ASA大学、联合国际组织机构、国际财富俱乐部、中国记录通讯社、中国上海著名二胡演奏家马晓辉、纽约音乐艺术家们,长期爱的无私奉献,以及联合国新闻媒体的大力支持。传递大爱2U,让世界充满美好的希望。

乌干达常驻联合国代表团副大使Philip Ochen Odida 给北京冬奥会与联合国和平音乐会的祝贺视频

举世闻名的第二十四届冬季奥林匹克运动会开幕式在中国北京顺利地进行,万国九州,热血沸腾。感恩宇宙能量、感恩伟大的祖国。2022年立春相聚在中国北京国家体育场隆重举行,继2008年夏季奥运会后。国际奥林匹克会旗时隔14年后,又再次在“北京鸟巢”冉冉升起,联合国网合集团,觉得今生今世号召大家一起参与见证历史文明,让世界充满爱的力量。 % buffered00:0001:11中国上海著名二胡演奏家马晓辉发来贺电 % buffered00:1900:26纽约ASA大学发来贺电







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Esteemed guests, friends and family, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome
to the event of the decade !

The friendship of the peoples will form the basis of friendships
amongst nations. It is also the universal love that nourish all

All these give rise to the age of 2U, as 2U delivers love and
convenience for daily work and life, fully enhancing developing
nations to build prosperous societies and homes. It is one of those
milestones in the history of mankind.

The cradle of civilization is founded upon the diligence and wisdom of
the peoples. All the peoples of the world who love the world, dream
the same dreams, enjoy the same glory and embrace the same rosy future

The Peace Charity Concert and Awards Ceremony organized by UN
Commutech Group and held in conjunction with the Beijing Winter
Olympics strive to uphold the values of universal love, peace and

The essence of the sporting spirit as championed by the International
Olympic Games stress excellence brought about by sportsmanship,
camaraderie and solidarity. Peoples of the world practice these in
their daily lives. In addition, the United Nations Commutech Group
also will try it best to promote the 17 sustainable development goals
of the United Nations.

To be the leader, is to be the pioneer in thoughts and deeds, be
conscientious in procuring the happy and satisfying lives for the
people. To be the leader, is to be at the commanding heights of
deciding what’s the next waves of economic developments and
cooperations among the nations for the best service of the peoples of
the world.

The force of nature is with us. Right now we are experiencing the
unlimited power of universal love, harmony and peace.

2022, is the year of continued cooperation amongst the peoples of the
world, especially that between the US and China. There are many
differences between Americans and Chinese. But there are even more
similarities between the two peoples. Diligence, courage and
ingenuity are all common traits for these two peoples.

If history would bestow me the glorious mission of cementing the good
will of the two peoples of China and US, I would go against the wind
and tide to accomplish my mission. I have no doubt that each and
everyone of you would do the same.

As long as we see the word as a global village, we will face
challenges and opportunities as the same people of the same community.
The little and numerous choices we make today, will all have major
impacts upon our future, our same future, whether you are the people
of this nation or the other. We will face climate change, natural
disasters, economic woes, inequalities, pride and prejudices all
together with unity and a single minded determination founded on
mutual trust, faith and love !

For over a decade, the United Nations Commutech Group has always
volunteered for many of the humanitarian activities and showing its
care and love through actions. It has also witnessed many magic
moments where the miracles of life are nourished by love.

United Nations Commutech Group prides itself for engaging bilateral
and multilateral exchange of cultures and heritage between China and
the rest of the world.

There are even more goals and achievements yet to be attained. They
must all be done with the diligent work of all peoples of the world.
We, together as one people will write our history, our present and
our future ! We will let the world’s cultural heritage, past
civilization and all non materialistic lineage stand as the testimony
of pure and innocent love. The force that propel our global
civilization forward, exactly as they have been listed in the annals
of United Nations’s classic treasures !

For our event tonight, the event of the decade, the United Nations
Commutech Group would especially like to thank the people of China,
the people of America, the people of the world, all Olympics
contestants, the United Nations, the musicians and artists, the
leaders of the various communities. It is because of all of your
support, the Beijing Winter Olympics, the celebration of Chinese New
Year, the charity peace concert and awards ceremony have been greatly

We must carry on with our heart’s calling, that together we will help
progress our societies and civilizations closer to utopia !

Esteemed guests, friends and family, ladies and gentlemen, Happy New
Year ! Happy Year of the Tiger !

Good luck is approaching the people of China, the people of America
and the people of the world ! You have to let good luck come closer by
lighting up the world with wonderful love.

Lastly, UN Commutech group would like to wish each and everyone of the
inhabitants of Mother Earth be successful in all of their endeavors!
Let’s embrace our future together! Let’s move towards the bright
tomorrow by contributing our love for the fulfillment of our dreams.
Let’s appreciate Mother Nature’s blessings and the energy from the
cosmos! Best wishes for China, America, Africa and the world. The
door is opened now for us to step into a better, rosy and more
fulfilling world !

Thank you everyone! God bless all of us !

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