CryptoSX Partner with Swiss-based Covario to Extend Digital Assets Management Services

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 CryptoSX Digital Asset Exchange and Covario jointly announced a collaboration to develop digital assets management services that include Security Token Offering (STO), digital asset trading, and digital wealth management. 

Covario’s Prime Brokerage platform provides comprehensive direct and OTC agency trading, algorithmic trading, clearing, financing, and custody solutions complemented by a professional team with decades of experience building large-scale trading systems with a deep understanding of asset management industry. Developed with the needs of our institutional clients in our minds; our services combine asset protection and global reach with operational ease and efficiency.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to support the growth of this new and exciting asset class. STOs have come a long way over the past few years, and CryptoSX have been a great partner for us. CryptoSX is regulated & compliant operating practices that match our own and that of our institutional client base. Along with the development of the DeFi space, the STO market is one of the great new paradigms offered by blockchain technology. and we’re happy to be part of it.” Mark Banner, Covario Co-Founder.

CryptoSX has completed 4 STO listings to professional and accredited investors over the past 12 months, covering rare Scottish single malt cask investment fund, copper mining in Peru, and biotech/agriculture in Cambodia. CryptoSX expects to list another 10 STO in 2021 including Resort properties, commercial real estate, agritech, solar energy, rare gemstone, gold, fintech incubation projects in the US, Australia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Laos, Africa, etc. 

CryptoSX is bringing secondary liquidity to traditionally illiquid asset classes. The First Bullion platform is the premier market for primary issuance and secondary trading of tokenized assets.

“Covario prime brokerage is a best-in-class digital asset manager leveraging the highly successful Telegram social media platform to extend their services to institutional investors. Covario’s strong European ties and network will benefit from CryptoSX existing and growing STO pipeline and open up a new asset class of digital tokens.” Philip Tam, CryptoSX Founder. 

About Covario

Based in Switzerland, Covario AG is an independent prime broker for digital asset managers. It offers trade execution services including direct market access, best execution, and OTC trading, alongside lending, margin financing, custody, and capital introduction. The team unites decades of experience building large-scale trading and risk management systems with a deep understanding of the asset management industry.

For more information, please visit:  and   [email protected] . 

About CryptoSX

Empowered by world-leading technologies, CryptoSX is building a cutting-edge crypto exchange platform for STO backed by Fiat/Crypto conversion capabilities. The exchange is the preferred digital platform for companies wishing to tokenize their assets, issue, and trade security tokens. CryptoSX is compliant with all applicable financial and virtual exchange policies and regulation of the Philippine government under CEZA (Cagayan Economic Zone Authority). The exchange platform was awarded a Full Principal License by CEZA in 2018. Since then, CryptoSX have been working very closely with CEZA to further develop and enhance STO listing procedures, as well as compliance and reporting requirements.

For more information, please visit: and [email protected]

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