Philippines’ CEZA Approves Digital Asset Token Offering by Cyber Credit Natural Resources Group

SANTA ANA, Cagayan, Philippines (May 20, 2020) — The Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA), Asia Blockchain and Crypto Association (ABACA) and First Bullion Holdings Inc. (First Bullion) jointly announced on 30 April 2020 the certification of Cyber Credit Natural Resources Group (Cayman Islands) Limited’s (Cyber Credit or the Company) Digital Asset Token Offering (DATO). Cyber Credit’s token is assigned with the trading symbol CCT and will be traded exclusively on First Bullion’s CEZA licensed Cryptosx Digital Assets Exchange (Cryptosx). Cryptosx is a Principal License Holder under the “Financial Technology Solutions and Offshore Virtual Currency Business Rules and Regulations of 2018.”

Amid the global lockdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic, CEZA and ABACA worked tirelessly with First Bullion and Cyber Credit across Peru, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines to ensure that projects with solid assets, management, operations and business models are given top priority commensurate to CEZA’s commitment to further develop the “Crypto Valley of Asia.”

CEZA Spokesperson and Chief Fintech and Virtual Currency Officer, Atty. Mike David, “We aim to really put CEZA in the map when it comes to innovations in this industry and push the boundaries amidst global challenges as what we have now. We are thankful to our principal licensee, First Bullion Holdings Inc. for arranging this second Digital Asset Token Offering (DATO) in the Philippines through CEZA with Cyber Credit Natural Resources to be compliant with CEZA’s regulatory frameworks and in keeping with global professional standards. This indeed brings these projects and the jurisdiction to a whole new level and hopefully boost this sector of digital economy not only in the South East Asian region, but to the global

industry of fintech and virtual currencies.”

“We are pleased to certify First Bullion’s second DATO following the success of their first DATO (AGWD) last year,” said Mel Songco, Director of ABACA. “This process challenged us in every way possible given the unique circumstances brought on by COVID-19 around the world, but it also gave us the confidence in being able to preserve a level of business continuity while other projects have slowed down to a near standstill.”

Cyber Credit has extensive investments in several copper and gold mines in Tayacaja Province, Peru covering over 5,400 hectares of land. This DATO represents the “Rico LeonMag 3” mine with over 90 million MT of mineral reserves, primarily copper. The

Company is making an initial offering of 3,000,000 CCT asset backed (security) tokens at US$1 each to raise US$3 Million to professional investors only.

Each CCT is equivalent to one ordinary share of the Company. The token holder will be registered as a shareholder in the Company’s shareholders register and Cayman Island Company Registry and will be entitled to distribution of profits and capital as well as voting rights.

Cyber Credit believes that asset backed tokenization is the way forward for capital funding and fractional ownership in the physical and digital world. The global lockdown has further demonstrated that digital and virtual services are not just relevant but a necessary part of our daily lives.

“We are building the first truly global digital securities exchange and are looking to list credible businesses and projects from across the world,” said Philip Tam, CEO of First Bullion Holdings Inc. “First Bullion is very excited to work with Cyber Credit on the primary listing and expects this asset class to appeal to accredited investors looking for capital appreciation and attractive yields in secondary trading, especially with the bimonthly dividend payment.”

First Bullion is bringing secondary liquidity to traditionally illiquid asset classes. This revolutionary advancement in capital markets allows for quicker and more efficient exits for early stage investors in private equities and democratizes access to these types of previously exclusive assets for a wider range of investors.

Together with our regulators CEZA and ABACA, we have built an end-to-end tokenization solution for investors by creating an ecosystem of the best partners around our digital securities platform. For more information, please visit

About Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA)

CEZA is a government-owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Republic Act No. 7922, mandated by law to develop and manage the Cagayan Special Economic Zone & Free Port in the Philippines. On May 21, 2018, CEZA announced the launch of the “Crypto Valley of Asia” and its Financial Technology Solutions Business Enterprise (FTSBE) and Offshore Virtual Currency Exchange (OVCE) License program. This license allows foreign companies to operate an FTSBE and/or OVCE in this jurisdiction under a protected and recognized regulatory framework.

About Asia Blockchain and Crypto Association (ABACA)

ABACA has been granted Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) Status by CEZA as the governing Business Association for all FTSBEs, OVCEs and Authorized Service Providers (ASPs) in the “Crypto Valley of Asia.” Together, they will form a Regulatory Advisory Panel composed of foreign and local subject matter experts. This panel will provide guidance and promote global best practices in the dynamic and evolving space of Blockchain/DLTs, Digital/Virtual Assets and FinTech. ABACA will also serve as CEZA’s Policy and Regulatory Research Center.

About First Bullion Holdings Inc. (First Bullion)

First Bullion is a fully Licensed and Regulated financial platform which provides primary issuance and secondary trading of Asset Backed Security Tokens, crypto wealth management and digital financial services using Blockchain-based asset digitization technology. On top of the digital asset exchange, First Bullion’s financial platform includes De La O Rural Bank as well as lending and remittance companies across Asia.

About Cyber Credit Natural Resources Group (Cayman Islands) Limited

Cyber Credit is a natural resources investment and management company with operations across Latin America, South East Asia and China. The stakeholders of Cyber Credit have extensive investments and mining rights in South America covering over 5,400 hectares of land and have plans to progressively increase mining and production capacity to meet unmet global demand for copper.

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